Purchase order in Taobao

I just bought a few things from Taobao, the largest online shopping website in China.

I am going to visit Nagoya in the coming vacation.  The trip will last for 8 days.  I found that I do not have enough T-shirt “supplies” for the trip.  Last night, Mom and I went to Uni Qlo for emergency backup.  However, I did not like the patterns on those clothes much.  That is why only three of them were bought.  It has been a long time for me to wait this chance to purchase my favourite T-shirt.  See !  Hello world.  It brings up memories of every coder.  In the first lesson of programming…

It looks pretty cool, right ?

I have been playing football for a year.  Though football is fun, danger hidden shall not be ignored.  Therefore, in this purchase order, I bought a pair of shin guard, which is called “pad” in Hong Kong.  It protects one’s shin, one of the easiest part to get bone fracture.  It costs far less in Taobao than in Nike.  To prevent myself from becoming a cripple, I shall not hesitate spending on protective gear

Nike shin guards

Shin guards on pitct

I also bought a pair of soccer socks.  They are thicker than usual socks and therefore give more protection on foot, notably decreasing the friction between instep and shoe.

I am struggling whether I shall buy FIFA 15.  I may play it with my brother.  He loves this game.  I see him play this game frequently on his S3.  If I buy the popular game, I have to buy some consoles as keyboard sucks.